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Annie’s Memorial Shoot

“Classic Annie” and “Classic Frank” Contests

The Annie Oakley Center Foundation is pleased to announce its “Annie’s Memorial Shoot” to be held on Friday, July 25 in conjunction with this year’s Annie Oakley Festival. “Classic Annie” and “Classic Frank” shooting competitions are open to women and men who are 19 years or older. Each participant will have the opportunity to shoot like Annie Oakley or her marksman husband, Frank Butler. Competitors will be provided with a BB gun, BBs, target balloons, and practice time. First prize winners receive $50 and second prize winners receive $25

“Annie’s Memorial Shoot” takes place on Friday, July 25 at 6:00 pm at the Darke County Fairgrounds. Complete contest details, rules and registration forms are available by email request from the Annie Oakley Center Foundation ( The registration fee for this event is $20. Although advanced registrations are preferred, those wishing to participate may register and pay their registration fee at the event.

Contest Rules

  1. The shooting contest is open to all women and men who are 19 years or older.  

  2. The contest registration fee is $20.

  3. The completed registration form and check should be mailed by July 7 to AOCF, PO Box 1025, Greenville, OH 45331. If later, bring the form and payment to the registration table at the event. Make checks for $20.00 payable to: Annie Oakley Center Foundation.

  4. On-site registration and entry fee collection will be available at the event. Walk-in registrations are welcomed.

  5. Contestants must shoot from a standing position.  Please contact us prior to the event if reasonable accommodations' are necessary

  6. All contestants must use the same BB guns as provided by the Annie Oakley Committee.

  7. Shooting will begin at 50 feet and move back at pre-established lengths for each round.

  8. Contestants will aim at inflated balloons with a BB gun and attempt to burst the balloon. Contestants will be given 2 chances to break the balloon target. The balloon must break to advance. The judging committee reserves the right to advance contestants if the balloon is hit by BB but did not break. This would be considered a broken balloon.

  9. An optional practice session (contestants shooting one at a time) will begin prior to the event on Friday at 4:30 and end promptly at 5:45 pm.

  10. A cash prize will be awarded to first and second place shooting finishers. 

  11. The Annie Oakley Center Foundation Shooting Contest Committee reserves the right to amend the above mentioned rules and procedures as needed. All decisions by this committee will be final.


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