Miss Annie Oakley

Contest Rules
The shooting and costume contest is open to all single, unmarried women residing within the boundaries of the Darke County school system and between the ages of 12 and 19 years old by July 1st of current year. Past winners must sit out the next year after winning, but may compete the year after sitting out if still meeting all requirements.
All contestants will be required to attend a publicity photo shoot.
Contestants need to wear Annie Oakley costumes and accessories or Western wear for competition. NO JEANS, PANTS OR MINI-SKIRTS.
Costumes from previous year's winners are not eligible for the contest and will not be judged if worn.
The costume contest will be judged by three qualified judges selected by the contest committee. The judging will take place during the first two rounds of the preliminary shooting contest.
Costumes will be judged on originality, appropriateness to the time period of Annie Oakley and overall costume appearance. Winner to be announced at the conclusion of the third round of the preliminary shooting night. Judges decisions are final.
Contestants must shoot from a standing position.
All contestants must use the same BB guns as provided by the Annie Oakley Committee during the contest. No exceptions will be made as to provide fairness to all contestants.
Once the shooting contest starts, contestants must refrain from conversation with each other and the audience as to allow each contestant to concentrate without added distractions.
Contestants will aim at inflated balloons with a BB gun and attempt to burst. Balloons will be blown up by the contest committee members prior to each night's contest.
Each contestant will be given practice shots prior to start of contest each night. A contestant arriving late but before their shooting position will not be given practice shots.
All contestants will shoot in positions drawn on practice night and in those same positions throughout the contest, moving up throughout the contest as contestants drop out after missing the target. Contestants not available for drawing positions will be given available positions left after others have drawn. Positions may not be traded or changed.
All contestants must be on time and ready. Anyone not ready to shoot when their position is called will forfeit their place in the contest. So leave home in plenty of time and be EARLY!
Shooting will begin at 25 feet and move back 5 feet at a time each round. We will shoot until 1/2 of the contestants are eliminated.
Contestants will be given 2 chances to break the balloon target. The balloon must break to advance. The committee reserves the right to advance contestants if balloon is hit by BB but did not break. This would be considered a broken balloon.
Rounds to be completed in preliminary night will be decided by the committee. Contestants hitting target during last round this night will advance to the finals the next night.
FINALS NIGHT. Contestants advancing to finals will shoot off as if contest just began with a CLEAN SLATE!
Hits and misses will not be counted to determine positions of winners. Once we have reached 3 remaining, we will shoot down until we have 3rd, 2nd and our winner. In the case of tie for any position, there will be a shoot off, one shot each, until all winners are determined.
Trophies, cash and other prizes to top finishers. All contestants receive gift for participation.
Sponsorship fee is $50. Each contestant is encouraged to obtain their own sponsor which may consist of more than one sponsor to total $50.
This is a contest for fun and to be a part of your community; please observe sportsmanlike conduct. Everyone who competes is a winner.
The new Miss Annie Oakley will be required to make special appearances to begin when she wins, with festival appearances and parade. Other winners to place in contest may also be asked to make appearances. When wearing Miss Annie Oakley sash, Annie Oakley costume and accessories or Western wear must be worn, ABSOLUTELY NO JEANS, PANTS OR MINI-SKIRTS.
Any violation of the preceding rules and procedures will make contestant ineligible to participate in contest.
The Annie Oakley Shooting Contest Committee and the Annie Oakley Committee, Inc., reserves the right to amend the above mentioned rules and procedures if need be. All decisions of the Committee will be final.
First Place winner will receive a cash award of $300 and will represent our festival as Miss Annie.
Second Place: $200
Third Place: $100
Best Costume: $100